Department of Community Development Newsletter
Rachel Flynn sent along this link to the latest Department of Community Development Newsletter. It contains updates on implementing the downtown master plan in Manchester, a new online parcel mapper, and (perhaps most relevant to Fan residents) plans for the Master Plan of Monroe Park.* Richmond acquired the original 11 acres for Monroe Park in 1851 […]
Rachel Flynn sent along this link to the latest Department of Community Development Newsletter. It contains updates on implementing the downtown master plan in Manchester, a new online parcel mapper, and (perhaps most relevant to Fan residents) plans for the Master Plan of Monroe Park.*
Richmond acquired the original 11 acres for Monroe Park in 1851 when the park still lay outside city limits. It was envisioned as a place that would provide opportunities to partake of “invigorating air” and to participate in the “interchange of social affections.”
I’ve been thinking a bit recently about public space and how most people are in favor of public space, but (I hypothesize) not necessarily for public uses or the ‘interchange of social affections’ in that space. Instead public space is used for private activities. Interchange hardly happens among the various users (many of whom have earbuds in). What do you think?
* As a side note I find the picture in the newsletter with the ’sort of lifesize’ model of Monroe Park to be a little ridiculous. I half-expect Derek Zoolander to show up and tell me about his “Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can’t Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too.”
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