Council votes on roundabout TONIGHT
Update 4 I hear that the paper has been continued until July 27th. However, I don’t have “official” confirmation. Update 3 I just got off the phone with the office of the City Clerk. She said that the paper MAY be continued and not talked about tonight. But she could not say for sure either way. Update 2 Here’s a […]
Update 4
I hear that the paper has been continued until July 27th. However, I don’t have “official” confirmation.
Update 3
I just got off the phone with the office of the City Clerk. She said that the paper MAY be continued and not talked about tonight. But she could not say for sure either way.
Update 2
Here’s a presentation from Thomas E. Flynn of the DPW (PDF) on the roundabout. Some takeaways:
- Total cost for the city: $600
- In 2008 the intersection had the 5th highest number of crashes (out of 6000 intersections)
- Could jeopardize future grants if not constructed
Here are Councilman Hilbert’s comments from a recent committee meeting regarding public support (or lack of ) for the proposed roundabout:
In case you don’t have speakers here’s the money quote:
I have to say that most of the people that are
educatedinformed [transcription typo, apologies — Ed] about this are against it. That is clear. Certainly there are folks here today and others who have looked at it they’re are for it, but the vast majority of people that are the most well informed on this are against it.
From the council agenda for tonight’s meeting:
Ord. No. 2008-189 (Patron: Mr. Hilbert) – To prohibit the installation of a roundabout at the intersection of Hermitage Road and Laburnum Avenue.
The proposal to prohibit the roundabout was introduced in July of 2008 by Councilman Hilbert and will be voted on tonight — eleven months later. Councilman Hilbert has consistently been against constructing the roundabout saying “the community is not accepting of this proposal.”
Some things to keep in mind:
- According to the Department of Public Works the total cost to the City for this project will be $600. Yes, six hundred dollars. The rest is funded by VDOT saftey grants.
- The City of Richmond began work on this in 2006. To date the City has spent $75,000 on the VDOT approved plans for this roundabout. This money will be reimbursed unless the project is prohibited.
- If the roundabout is not constructed the City could “risk losing any future monies for any other safety projects in the future anywhere in the City.” According to DPW the City currently receives $3M from VDOT for safety projects like this roundabout.
If you support the installation of the roundabout tonight would be a good time to go and show your support at the council meeting.
- You can also read Hilbert’s comments to North Richmond News from July 30, 2008.
- A USDOT report on the saftey of roundabouts (PDF)
- A DPW brochure explaining roundabouts (PDF)
- A DPW presentation on the benefits of the proposed roundabout (PDF)
- Other NRN posts about roundabouts
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