Contractors Blasting At Three Chopt & Gaskins For New Utility Project
No, that’s not another earthquake (like the one back in July) that you hear rumbling through Short Pump. Contractors working on a new water project along Three Chopt Road are blasting rock to make way for utility pipes near the intersection of Gaskins and Three Chopt Roads. The project, which will pump more than 12 […]
No, that’s not another earthquake (like the one back in July) that you hear rumbling through Short Pump. Contractors working on a new water project along Three Chopt Road are blasting rock to make way for utility pipes near the intersection of Gaskins and Three Chopt Roads.
The project, which will pump more than 12 million gallons of water per day to Goochland residents, is being funded entirely by Goochland County. It’s the final phase of an agreement between the two municipalities that was made in 2002. Goochland already draws water from several sources in Henrico County.
Two blasts per day will take place for three to four weeks weeks between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. The entire intersection will be blocked off prior to each blast. The Gaskins Road South exit ramp onto Interstate 64 will also be blocked at that time.
The blasting is necessary to remove rock to install water pipes 3-1/2 feet below ground level. Crews will bore underneath Gaskins Road and Three Chopt in several locations.
A side benefit of the water project for Far West End residents will be increased water pressure to the northern Short Pump area including the Wyndham and Twin Hickory communities, both of which are currently facing lower than desired water pressures.
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