City seeks to acquire blighted properties on Jackson and Leigh Streets
The late-posted agenda for tonight’s City Council meeting (PDF) has two items of specifically local interest: Ord. No. 2009-161 (Patron: Mayor Jones, By Request) – To authorize the acquisition ***of *** 133 West Jackson Street for $35,500 for the purpose of implementing a Spot Blight Abatement Plan ***. Ord. No. 2009-162 (Patron: Mayor Jones, By Request) – […]
The late-posted agenda for tonight’s City Council meeting (PDF) has two items of specifically local interest:
Ord. No. 2009-161 (Patron: Mayor Jones, By Request) – To authorize the acquisition ***of *** 133 West Jackson Street for $35,500 for the purpose of implementing a Spot Blight Abatement Plan ***.
Ord. No. 2009-162 (Patron: Mayor Jones, By Request) – […]
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