City releases clean-up schedule for Irene debris
From a press release by Richmond DPU: City officials released a prioritization plan for the continuation of storm debris clean-up and road openings following Hurricane Irene. All work is expected to be completed within 30-45 days. Four levels of re…
From a press release by Richmond DPU:
City officials released a prioritization plan for the continuation of
storm debris clean-up and road openings following Hurricane Irene. All work is expected
to be completed within 30-45 days.
Four levels of response for debris removal are outlined in the plan:
1. Large tree/limbs, Equipment, Saws
<7 days
2. Tree, Large Limbs, Equipment Needed
7 days
3. Brush, small trees ,Limbs, Hand Pickup 15-30 days
4. Brush, hand pick
30-45 days
City residents who want to dispose of their own debris can do so by taking it to either the
East Richmond Road Convenience Center at 3800 E. Richmond Rd.; or to 3060 Maury
Street, two blocks north of Holly Springs Avenue. There is no fee for this service.
For those who chose to leave their storm debris curbside, brush items are not to be
placed on sidewalks, in drainage ditches or in parking lanes. They may be placed in
alleys, but must not block the alleyway.
The city is coordinating with Dominion Virginia Power on removal of any remaining trees
blocking roadways, as there may be live wires in the area or tangled within the trees.
The priority for road openings is major and minor arterials will be cleared first, followed
by the minor thoroughfares. Residential and local roads will be completed after the
minor roads are cleared.
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