City orders owner “to begin substantial work immediately”
The Historic Richmond Foundation is reporting that action is being taken to get some movement on 401 North 27th Street: City inspectors gave the owner [listed as Lessie Hembrick] an ultimatum today under the approval of the Chief Building Commissioner to begin substantial work immediately or Code Enforcement would be approved to initiate legal proceedings […]
The Historic Richmond Foundation is reporting that action is being taken to get some movement on 401 North 27th Street:
City inspectors gave the owner [listed as Lessie Hembrick] an ultimatum today under the approval of the Chief Building Commissioner to begin substantial work immediately or Code Enforcement would be approved to initiate legal proceedings against the owner for property maintenance code violations and take him to court. Meanwhile, on the other track, the Spot Blight case is still open and active. By next week code enforcement staff will know if the owner is moving towards rehab of the building or moving towards court.
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