City offering Christmas tree and electronics recycling
Now that Christmas has wrapped up, it’s time to consider what to do with the lovely Christmas tree that is taking up a quarter of your living room and slowly turning into a pile of kindling. One option that I don’t recommend is throwing it over the fence and into your neighbors yard. A much […]
Now that Christmas has wrapped up, it’s time to consider what to do with the lovely Christmas tree that is taking up a quarter of your living room and slowly turning into a pile of kindling. One option that I don’t recommend is throwing it over the fence and into your neighbors yard. A much better option is take part in the city’s “Bring One for the Chipper” Christmas tree recycling program. “Bring One for the Chipper 2013” will take place in the paved lot at 1710 Robin Hood Road (northeast corner of Robin Hood Road and North Boulevard), from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on January 11.
You can also get rid of that old dot matrix printer, monitor and other electronic items. All this is free but if you need to get dispose of an old TV that’ll set you back $7. You can also bring up to 5 boxes of documents for shredding.
If you can’t wait until January 11th, to send your tree into the grinder you can drop them off in advance from December 26 through January 10 at the East Richmond Road Convenience Center, 3800 East Richmond Road, and the Richmond Southside Transfer Station, 3520 N. Hopkins Road. Trees also can be dropped off in the lot behind New Generations Credit Union at 1700 Robin Hood Road.
The less green option is to have DPW collect your tree curbside from now through January 30th. You’ll have to contact the 3-1-1 Call Center, since trees left out with their supercan may not be picked up on regular trash collection days, as a separate truck is needed to collect them.
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