City Council Passes Hinton Street Rezoning – UNANIMOUSLY
The Petersburg City Council unanimously agreed to overturn the Planning Commission’s decision unanimously denying a request by The Franklin Development Group, LLC to have the historic building located at the corner of Hinton and Market Streets rezoned from M-1 (light industrial) to R-5 (multiple dwelling district). There has been an ongoing debate between The Franklin […]
The Petersburg City Council unanimously agreed to overturn the Planning Commission’s decision unanimously denying a request by The Franklin Development Group, LLC to have the historic building located at the corner of Hinton and Market Streets rezoned from M-1 (light industrial) to R-5 (multiple dwelling district).
There has been an ongoing debate between The Franklin Development Group, LLC and the Citizens for Responsible Development over whether or not the building currently known as Michael’s Textiles should be rezoned from M-1 to R-5. After numerous citizens voiced their opposition to the rezoning, The Franklin Development Group, LLC launched the website in an effort to educate the citizens about the project. Shortly thereafter, the Citizens for Responsible Development launched their own site,, articulating their concerns and rationale for opposing the rezoning. But after weeks of sign posting, letter writing, and organizing the Petersburg City Council voted unanimously to approve the rezoning.
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