Chimborazo Playground Community Garden Children’s Garden Bed available

Tricycle Gardens’ Chimborazo Playground Community Garden has a plot available specifically for a family to introduce their children to growing food. This plots was built as a “Childrens Garden Bed” through donations from Church Hill Association, and we envision a family who would not normally be gardening because of financial limitations to use this plot. […]

Tricycle Gardens’ Chimborazo Playground Community Garden has a plot available specifically for a family to introduce their children to growing food. This plots was built as a “Childrens Garden Bed” through donations from Church Hill Association, and we envision a family who would not normally be gardening because of financial limitations to use this plot. We will waive the usual $50 annual fee for the plot, and plants/seeds/seedlings to grow will be funded as well.

The family to garden this plot will need to commit the time to take care of the garden. This will be on average 2 times per week through the growing season. We have many beginning gardeners at this garden who support each other in learning through doing and sharing, and this family would be part of that network of support as well.
If this describes your family, please email If we get more than one applicant family, we will use a blind lottery to pick one family.

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