CHA meets tonight
The Church Hill Association meets tonight at 7PM at the St. John’s Parish Hall. Below is the Agenda for our meeting Tuesday, Feb. 15th at 7PM in St. John’s Parish Hall. Please join us for our monthly update on all things Church Hill; we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. Sincerely, Aimee Perron Seibert […]
The Church Hill Association meets tonight at 7PM at the St. John’s Parish Hall.
Below is the Agenda for our meeting Tuesday, Feb. 15th at 7PM in St. John’s Parish Hall.
Please join us for our monthly update on all things Church Hill; we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.
Aimee Perron Seibert
president@churchhillrichmond.comChurch Hill Association Membership Meeting
February 15, 2011, 7PMWelcome
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Carolyn Williamson: Treasurers Report
Tammy and Hunter Tate: Membership Report
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