Broad Street being repaved from Belvidere to 14th

From October 11th through November 6th, East Broad Street between Belvidere and 14th will be undergoing some repaving and other maintenance. A few details on the project that could affect you: Milling and shaping old existing asphalt will take place first, followed by an application of new asphalt. Utility castings adjustments will take place simultaneously. Once the new asphalt has […]

From October 11th through November 6th, East Broad Street between Belvidere and 14th will be undergoing some repaving and other maintenance.
A few details on the project that could affect you:

Milling and shaping old existing asphalt will take place first, followed by an
application of new asphalt. Utility castings adjustments will take place
Once the new asphalt has […]

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