Boho Cycle Studio opens TODAY on Sheppard Street

Boho Cycling Studio is a fitness studio specializing in indoor cycling: Because we are completely focused on indoor cycling at our studio, we commit all of our energy to making every class an exceptional ride. We have taken elements and ideas from yoga and mixed them with what it feels like to dance all night […]

Boho Cycling Studio is a fitness studio specializing in indoor cycling:

Because we are completely focused on indoor cycling at our studio, we commit all of our energy to making every class an exceptional ride. We have taken elements and ideas from yoga and mixed them with what it feels like to dance all night at a nightclub and put it on a bike. Not just a work out, a party on a bike.

All classes this weekend are FREE. Sign up for classes >>

Boho Cycle Studio
714 North Sheppard Street
(804) 355-1151 | Facebook | @bohocyclestudio

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