ACORN selling an Oliver Lawrence property
ACORN has purchased the selling option on a vacant neighborhood house (2927 Garland Avenue) owned by the notorious Oliver Lawrence. 2927 Garland Avenue is listed as a contributing structure in the Brookland Park Historic District, making it eligible for state and federal historic tax credits. This 2-story stucco residence has a wide front porch and […]
ACORN has purchased the selling option on a vacant neighborhood house (2927 Garland Avenue) owned by the notorious Oliver Lawrence.
2927 Garland Avenue is listed as a contributing structure in the Brookland Park Historic District, making it eligible for state and federal historic tax credits. This 2-story stucco residence has a wide front porch and entry with transom and sidelight windows. Please call the Alliance to Conserve Old Richmond Neighborhoods at (804) 644-5040 for more information or to make an appointment with property director Lane Pearson.
- Zoned: Residential Two-Story
- Description: 35” wide x 135” deep
- Contact: Lane Pearson, 804-644-5040,
Info on ACORN’s option properties
This is when A.C.O.R.N. purchases selling options with our Revolving Fund on vacant or abandoned buildings in Richmond’s old neighborhoods. An “Option To Sell” gives A.C.O.R.N. an exclusive right to find a purchaser for the property during a specific time frame at an established price. This means that A.C.O.R.N. would use the agreed upon period of time to find a purchaser committed to renovating the property. A.C.O.R.N. does not profit from the sale of an option, by keeping prices as low as possible we hope to move more properties back to productive use.
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