1st District numbers from Election 2013
Results for the 1st District. See also: [2nd District] [7th District] Overall, McAuliffe took the 1st District 4,483 to 3,292 (Cuccunelli) and 1,307 (Sarvis). The 17.2% pulled by Sarvis in precinct 105 is among his best results across the state. A spot check turned up only one precinct where he did better: in precinct 302 […]
Results for the 1st District. See also: [2nd District] [7th District]
- Overall, McAuliffe took the 1st District 4,483 to 3,292 (Cuccunelli) and 1,307 (Sarvis).
- The 17.2% pulled by Sarvis in precinct 105 is among his best results across the state. A spot check turned up only one precinct where he did better: in precinct 302 in Bath County Sarvis won 8 of 43 votes cast for 18.60%.
- Every precinct in the 1st District went for Northam over Jackson.
- Herring beat Obenshain 4,945 to 4,191 in the 1st District. Precinct 106 was heavy for Obenshain (66.9%), precincts 113 and 114 were heavy for Herring (75.2% and 74.6%)
- In a race where he finished 4th in a 4-way contest with 9.56% of the vote, outlier Sheriff’s candidate Chris Dorsey pulled his best returns in the city from precincts 112, 102, and 114 (23.0%, 22.8%, and 21.9%). Seven of Dorsey’s eight best precincts were in the 1st District.
- In perhaps the most inexplicable results from last night: the 1st District gave 43% to L.Shirley Harvey in her failed bid for the position of City Treasurer. Harvey pulled 32.43% city-wide.
- Neither of the two incumbents in the Richmond contests (Woody & Wilder) lost a single precinct.
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