The Tire-less James cleanup this weekend
Boats needed to get tires out of the James River.

This Saturday, September 13th, volunteers are taking to the river to clean up the mighty James. The target of the James River Association (JRA) hosted cleanup will be the hundreds of tires that end up in the river. JRA isn’t doing this alone and will have help from Virginia Canals & Navigations Society, Boy Scouts of American, and Bridgesone Americas will be there to haul off the tires as part of their Tires4Ward program.
During last year’s inaugural event, over 500 tires were removed from a section of the James River between Lynchburg and Richmond. This year, JRA is hoping to increase that number as “The Tire-less James” is extended to the entire length of the river.
“The James River faces numerous challenges on a daily basis, with pollution being one of the largest. By engaging volunteers in large scale cleanups like “The Tire-less James,“ JRA can have a direct and positive impact on the river here and now, “ said Pat Calvert, Upper James River Keeper.
“We are excited about working with the James River Association for this important cleanup project,” said Todd Martin, Deputy Scout Executive for the Boy Scouts of America Heart of Virginia Council. “For the Scouts it is not just about pulling tires out of the river but about connecting our kids with the James River and the importance of environmental stewardship and conservation.”
“Members of The Virginia Canals and Navigations Society and James River Batteau Festival again look forward to participating in the Tireless James river cleanup,” said Ralph Smith, Chairman of the James River Batteau Festival, a project of the Virginia Canals & Navigations Society. “We see this as an opportunity to give something back to a river which has provided us with 30 years of enjoyment as a festival. The beauty, adventure, and history which are the James River Batteau Festival will be enhanced by our collective efforts to improve the quality of the river.”Volunteers with boats that are appropriate for safely floating tires down a selected section of river are needed for the cleanup on September 13, 2014. To register for the “The Tire-less James” cleanup or for more information, visit In order to cover the entire stretch of the James River from Iron Gate to Newport News, volunteers will be asked to register to cleanup a designated section and deliver tires to a set location for pickup.
Image: JRA
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