Good Morning, RVA: Snow time like the present

Photo by: davejdoe
Good morning, RVA! It’s 30 °F, and that is much colder than it has been! Good thing I didn’t start any of my early-spring garden planting because we may get anywhere between 0-4 inches of snow starting tonight? This totally snuck up on me while I was busy reading all of these articles about Donald Trump!
Parents and students: Prepare yourselves for possible school cancellations on Friday.
Water cooler
Tonight at 7:00 PM at the Virginia War Memorial, city officials will host a public meeting on the next round of riverfront improvements. The mayor, Richmond’s Top Dog Planner Mark Olinger, and the folks who originally put together the riverfront plan (Hargreaves Associates) will all be on hand to present and answer questions. The focus of the meeting will be the area surrounding the former Lehigh cement plant (PDF), but, if you were pleasant, I bet you could ask them any old thing about the riverfront plan.
Katy Burnell Evans and Ned Oliver continue to dig into the mayor’s Build-A-Church situation with their journalism pick axes and continue to find blocks of scandal ore that they then craft into shiny articles. This week’s news is that the Richmond Ambulance Authority had a former employee handling church biz (the mayor’s church) during work hours. Here’s my favorite quote from the piece, “Later that day, she sent and received 11 emails about a sandwich order for the church leadership event’s lunch.” That’s a lot of dang emails about sandwiches!
Looks like 2nd District has its first official City Council candidate! Yesterday, Charlie Diradour announced he’d filed his paperwork and collected his signatures. Diradour is the president of Lions Paw Development, and is responsible for lots and lots of your favorite places in the Fan and Scott’s Addition. He ran for the 2nd District seat back in 2012 and lost to Councilman Samuels by 5% despite outspending him by $54,000–man, is 2nd District ever an expensive seat to campaign for!
Here’s the entire 2016 Friday Cheers schedule. Props to the folks at Venture Richmond for putting together yet another serious lineup of music for insanely affordable prices. Remember, you could have seen Alabama Shakes for $5 in 2012! That ticket costs you at least 50 bones now! Anyway, what I’m saying is don’t sleep on Friday Cheers.
Do you love pinball? Do you know there are two pinball leagues in town, and, what’s more, a pinball co-op? Rachel Marsh investigates in an RVANEWS EXCLUSIVE (JK, totally not an exclusive in any way)!
Robey Martin’s latest article in Richmond Magazine is like a checklist of all my favorite things: Beer, vermouth, and bearded Richmond bartenders.
The Richmond International Film Festival begins today! Go sit in silence for an entire weekend and see a trillion films!
A Republican debate featuring a number of candidates you can count on one hand will take place tonight at 9:00 PM on FOX.
- Rams never trailed against Davidson, winning 70-60 in Melvin Johnson’s last home game. The Rams have now clinched a share of the regular-season Atlantic 10 championship–something Shaka Smart was never able to do.
- Hokies picked up their fourth win in a row by beating Pittsburgh, 65-61. They are now 9-8 in the ACC.
This morning’s longread
Porngate: Inside the XXX Emails that Exposed Pennsylvania’s Polluted Politics
The emails on the disc were just the tip of the iceberg; the full scope wasn’t immediately clear. In time, Kane and everyone else in the state would come to realize the emails were like strands of a spiderweb, stretching out in every possible direction, connecting small-town attorneys to big-name prosecutors to State Supreme Court Justices.
Well that’s a bummer.
This morning’s Instagram
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