Good Morning, RVA: Rain for hours and hours
Rain, rain, go away.

Good morning, RVA! It’s 45 °F, rainy, and it’ll stay rainy for the next 24 hours. Take a look at the weather map: there’s a storm stretching alllllll the way from Richmond to New Orleans, and it’s gonna take awhile to move through. You might see the sun tomorrow morning…if you’re lucky.
Until then, pack an umbrella, a mackintosh, or your favorite alternative rain deflecting device.
Water cooler
The City has plans to convert 10th Street between Marshall and Leigh from a one-way to a two-way street. They’ll also convert Marshall Street to a two-way from 7th Street to College Street. This is fantastic news for those of us looking to park around the courthouse or BioTech Park but keep getting spiraled further and further from our destination by an unending maze of one-way streets. The new traffic patterns should be in place by the 14th, so watch for construction until then.
Big news on the Virginia standardized testing front, which I assure you is indeed a front. This past Friday the governor signed HB930, a bill that will cut the number of SOLs a third grader must take from four to two (leaving mathematics and reading, ditching social studies and science). School districts “will be required to develop alternative assessments that are project-based.”
ESPN 1500 in Minneapolis reports that the University of Minnesota has serious interest in hiring VCU’s women’s basketball head coach Marlene Stollings. Minnesota Athletic Director Norwood Teague served as VCU’s athletic director before taking the job at Minnesota. Forget #shakawatch, now we’ve got #stollingswatch!
The final game of the 2014 men’s college basketball season takes place tonight at 9:10 PM on CBS. #8 Kentucky takes on #7 Connecticut in a battle of prominent teams with deceptively low seeds. After tonight, we’ve got the Stanley Cup, the World Cup, and then the long haul through the sports dead zone until fall.
Actor Mickey Rooney died last night at the age of 93. He was nominated for his first Academy Award in 1939 for Babes in Arms.
This morning’s longread
Is it “Ukraine” or “the Ukraine”?
This morning’s longread, which is really more of a shortread, comes from Vox, a newish news site that looks to provide explainery journalism in the form of stacks of easily digestible cards. I thought this one was particularly explainful.
It used to be “the Ukraine,” but after breaking away from the Soviet Union in 1991 the name changed to just “Ukraine.” That distinction actually turns out to be pretty important for understanding the current crisis.
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Photo by: arbyreed
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