Good Morning, RVA: A short week

A day of service today and the possibility for serious snow this weekend.

Photo by: JOzPhotography

Good morning, RVA! It’s 30 degrees and clear and that’s today’s weather. But honestly who cares about today when a Major Winter Storm™ is headed our way this weekend? We’ve got a couple of days before the forecasts start to settle down, so, for now, let’s just say you better stock up on milk and bread before Friday.

Water cooler

It’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and Kelly Gerow has some ideas on how you can use your day off as a day of service. That’s what it’s there for, you guys!

Here’s a straightforward editorial in the RTD about the Mayor Jones Church Situation–although I did have to look up the word “shirty,” which means ill-tempered or annoyed.

Also in the RTD, Jeff Schapiro is pissed at State Senator Tommy Norment for relegating press to the 2nd-floor of the senate chambers. Schapiro compares Norment to a chimpanzee! Ahhhhh!

WTVR is reporting another murder, this one at a club on Midlothian Turnpike. I haven’t seen official word from the police, but we’ll update our 2016 homicide page as we get more information.

Good for State Senator Glen Sturtvant who has said he won’t go along with his fellow Republicans’ plan to oust Justice Jane Marum Roush from the state’s Supreme Court. Republicans don’t have an issue with Roush but say the governor used unfair trickeration to appoint her. This, of course, was while the General Assembly was in the midst of using all available trickerations to work the redistricting conversation to their various benefits.

I’m sure you’ve heard about the terrible water situation in Flint, Michigan–Hilary Clinton even brought it up in last night’s Democratic debates. But did you know the researchers working to figure out what exactly is going on are from Virginia Tech?

Vox has a recap of Sunday’s Democratic debate, in case you missed it or are super tired of presidential debates already.


  • Rams weathered a tough game against the Spiders to come out on top 94-89. That’s eight in a row for VCU.
  • Rough stuff for the #13 Wahoos, who lost their third straight road game–this one to Florida State, 62-69.
  • Meanwhile, the Hokies picked up their fourth (and totally unexpected) ACC win, beating Georgia Tech 78-77.

This morning’s longread

The tube at a standstill: why TfL stopped people walking up the escalators

A super interesting experiment in crowds, transportation, and social norms.

We might be bad at dancing and expressing our feelings, but say this for the British: when we settle on a convention of public order, we bloody well stick to it. We wait in line. We leave the last biscuit. And when we take the escalator, we stand on the right. The left is reserved for people in a hurry.

This morning’s Instagram

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Ross Catrow

Founder and publisher of RVANews.

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