Tagger defaces Lee Monument and downtown businesses

A graffiti tagger hit the Lee Monument and a number of Midtown stores overnight, including Quirk Gallery where he was caught on video: Local asshat bombs the Arts District in downtown Richmond, VA. He tagged over 9 businesses at 3AM Saturday, January 28th. Think most of us don’t mind graffiti in the alleyways & on […]

A graffiti tagger hit the Lee Monument and a number of Midtown stores overnight, including Quirk Gallery where he was caught on video:

Local asshat bombs the Arts District in downtown Richmond, VA. He tagged over 9 businesses at 3AM Saturday, January 28th. Think most of us don’t mind graffiti in the alleyways & on trains but local business storefronts and the Lee Monument?! His tags suck and he’s a chump who deserves to get caught. Email patrick.mansfield@richmondgov.com with any info you have.

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