RVA Deals
Great coupons at KMart, info on how a trip to Kroger can get you a free movie ticket, details on Customer Appreciation Week at Kroger, and more great deals around town!
I do not care for Kmart. I do not shop at Kmart. But for the benefit those who love coupon deals, I ought to mention that Kmart is running Super Double Coupon Week through this Saturday – Receive double the value on coupons up to $2 (so maximum of $4 savings). The limit is 5 doubled coupons per day, and you must have a (free) Shop Your Way Rewards card. For some deal ideas, check out Common Sense With Money.
At Kroger this week, receive a free “Digital Choice” coupon you buy 10 participating products. Redeem online for 1 free movie ticket, or 15 free downloads or ringtones.
Meat Top Pick
It’s Customer Appreciation Week at Whole Foods April 5-13. Some of the meat sales include 85% lean ground beef $2.99/lb (save $1.50), all-pork sausage $2.99/lb (save $3), and 16-20 ct jumbo shrimp $7.99/lb (save $8)
Veggie Top Pick
Cluster tomatoes on-the-vine $1.99/lb at Ukrop’s
Fruit Top Pick
$.99/lb white seedless grapes at Kroger
Dairy Top Pick
Stonyfield organic and soy yogurt $.50 each at Whole Foods. You can register on Stonyfield.com to print coupons for $.50 off 3.
Staples Top Pick
Olive oil sale at Kroger – a number of brands are close to 50% off, including Bertolli, Carapelli, and Filippo Berio. Print $1 off coupon for Filippo Berio.
Snacks & Sweets Top Pick
Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain bars $1.99 at Kroger. Counts for Digital Choice promo
Beverage Top Pick
Coke or Sprite 12-packs $3 at Kroger, limit 3
Household Top Pick
Snuggle fabric softener (liquid or sheets) $3.99 at Kroger; use $3 coupon from 3/28 RedPlum insert to get it for $.99. Counts for Digital Choice promo
Find more deals by accessing the stores’ weekly ads online:
- Prices valid 4/4-4/10: Kroger, Ukrop’s, Target, Walgreen’s, CVS
- Prices valid 4/7-4/13: Tom Leonard’s, Whole Foods, Fresh Market
Monthly ads online:
- Prices good for all of April: Ellwood Thompson’s, Good Foods Grocery
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