Rally Thursday to support arts funding in Virginia
On February 21 the Appropriations Committee of the House of Delegates voted, 15-7, to cut state funding for the Virginia Commission for the Arts by 50% in 2010-11 and to eliminate the agency completely as of July 1, 2011.
State budgets are in trouble. We get it. But total elimination of funding for the arts?
The following information comes from Virginians for the Arts:
At the Virginia General Assembly and Capitol
FEBRUARY 25, 2010
Why your attendance is urgently needed at this rally
On February 21 the Appropriations Committee of the House of Delegates voted, 15-7, to cut state funding for the Virginia Commission for the Arts by 50% in 2010-11 and to eliminate the agency completely as of July 1, 2011. The Senate Finance Committee has adopted the proposal in the budget bill submitted by Governor Kaine not to make further cuts in state funding for the Commission.
There will be votes on the House and Senate floors THURSDAY on the proposals from the two committees. The different versions of the 2010-12 budget bill approved by the two house of the General Assembly then go to a Budget Conference Committee to resolve the differences.
Email Virginians for the Arts at VaForArts@aol.com to let us know you are attending.
What to do Thursday at the rally
1. Meet with your legislators
WHEN? In the Morning, as early as possible
WHERE? At the General Assembly Building, 9th and Broad St., Richmond
A Leave-Behind informational piece is available Here for your legislators.
Legislators begin arriving as early as 7:30 a.m. Make an appointment with your legislators, if possible. If this is not possible, make an appointment with an aide or drop by and leave our advocacy handout. Legislators attend committee meetings before the noon legislative session begins at the Capitol, and it’s best to catch them in their offices as early in the day as possible.
Check here for contact information for your legislators
2. Participate in show of support in the Gallery of the House for floor debate
WHEN? Line up outside the House of Delegates Gallery at 11:30 a.m.-admission on 1st come basis-Be there no later than 11:45 to be admitted and seated before the session begins. Stay as long as you can between noon and 2 pm and later, if available. Advocates will be recognized by a local legislator.
WHERE? At the Capitol, in the House Gallery.
Getting there: The general public must enter the Capitol through the public entrance near 10th and Bank Street. Once in the Capitol Building, Virginians for the Arts will have volunteers present to help direct you to the House Gallery.
Public Parking: A limited number of metered public parking spaces (2 hours) are located on Bank Street, between Governor and 14th Streets, on the south side of Main Street, between 9th and 12th Streets and on 12th Street between Main and Bank Streets. Pay parking lots and decks are nearby on 8th and Grace Street and 7th and Marshall Streets.
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