Good Evening, RVA: January 22nd, 2016

With virtually every single thing closed today, we’re assuming you spend all day inside reading RVANews. If you didn’t (!), here it all is.

Photo by: Willie Riefner

It was a snow day in RVA.

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Squirrel building a snowman

Be mindful of everything snow-related

By now you know that most everything in town is closed, which means your Netflix, like ours, is probably running pretty slow. While you’re waiting for all that buffering, give yourself a refresher on snow preparedness slash problem-solving stuff. You never know when you’ll need it. Actually, wait, you need it like right now.

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BaddDDD Sonia Sanchez, see you in February

Kevin Clay talked to Enjoli Moon of the Afrikana Film Festival about Sonia Sanchez coming to town, the film festival itself, and how film is changing. We particularly liked Moon’s reminder that we don’t have to judge things by the Academy. Sanchez’s visit will now be in February, but it’s still a good read.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa, put the matches down, bro

A Senate panel–just a panel, guys!–voted to move forward a bill that would legalize fireworks in Virginia. That means the bill would still have to pass the House and get signed into law. AND, Richmond could still opt to make it illegal. What? Oh, no no, it’s fireWORKS that might be maybe approved for use despite their tendency to kill people and destroy property, not firearms. Firearms are still way legal.

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And now we do podcasts!

Podcast-lovers, twirl those earbuds with glee, because we now present to you 10 episodes of Sam and Ross Like Things. Don’t touch that dial, because we may have more podcasts coming your way soon.

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Kids ballet

Photo by: chrisada

Fittles for the littles

Valerie Catrow has brought her super useful kids’ fitness roundup into 2016, with updated dates and times and prices and jokes. If you’re looking guiltily over at your tucked-in child, who is happily watching its 15th episode of RescueBots, don’t sweat it. It’s a snow day. You can worry about it later.

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Beautiful and magical

Is this for real. This can’t be for real. Pretty sure it’s for real.

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