Doctor honored by Dominican Republic for separating conjoined twins

David Lanning, M.D., the doctor who separated conjoined Dominican Republic twins, Maria and Teresa Tapia, was recently honored by the government. During a ceremony at the National Palace in Santo Domingo, Lanning received the Order of Christopher Columbus rank of Knight, an honor usually reserved for Dominican citizens or military.  Only a handful of non-civilian, foreign-born […]

David Lanning, M.D., the doctor who separated conjoined Dominican Republic twins, Maria and Teresa Tapia, was recently honored by the government.

During a ceremony at the National Palace in Santo Domingo, Lanning received the Order of Christopher Columbus rank of Knight, an honor usually reserved for Dominican citizens or military.  Only a handful of non-civilian, foreign-born individuals have received the award since it was established in 1937. The Order is given for distinguished service to the Dominican Republic or for humanity and merit outstanding in the arts or sciences.

The surgery was performed at VCU, one of only average six surgeries performed in the US. More about the doctor and twins HERE.


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Nathan Cushing

Nathan Cushing is a writer, journalist, and RVANews Editor.

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