Beer News: Smoked beers, festivals, and a week just for us!

Were you aware that “smoky” does not have an “e” in it? That bear is DUMB!

American craft beer week

Next week is American Craft Beer Week. This means there will be even more beer- and quasi-beer-related events scattered about town. Parse this incredibly expansive list or maybe this one…if you dare.

Smoky as a snake

Annie Tobey has written an entire article about Rauchbier, the perfect primer! I suggest you read it immediately. I love Rauchbier (which tastes like smoke due to a heavy dose of smoked malts), but I also love scotch that tastes like the bottom of a campfire. Your mileage may vary.

Science on Tap

Making beer is the most sciencey thing I do in my free time–which isn’t saying much, as I spend most of that time reading comics and watching movies. But, when I’m not cloistered deep in my basement consuming Marvel-branded content, I’m usually thinking about how crazy the entire beer-making process is. The Science Museum of Virginia has also spent a lot of time thinking about the science behind beer and are hosting an entire event to explain it all to you: Check out Science on Tap this Saturday from 2:00 – 6:00 PM.

A Good Day in RVA II

A Good Day in RVA II takes place at Hardywood this Saturday and features two stages, 14 bands, one billion vendors and food trucks, and I’m guessing a beer or two. Look at all those numbers! And Roman numerals in the name to boot!

The man with The Answer

RVAMag has a nice Q&A with Brandon Tolbert, head brewer of the Answer. He’s got a pretty great story–homebrewer, to brewer at a Extra Billy’s (of all places), to head dude at Richmond’s new good good of beer. It’s like rags to riches but with more beards, lots of hard work, and most likely tattoos.

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From Elsewhere…

The Beer Judge Certification Program has released their 2015 style guidelines (PDF). If you’ve ever wondered what defines a Munich Helles, Original Bitter, or the aforementioned Rauchbier (“An elegant, malty German amber lager with a balanced, complementary beechwood smoke character”) this is a document has all the answers. They’ve also got styles for mead and cider.

Takeovers and releases and things

‘Gramming with @triplecrossing

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Ross Catrow

Founder and publisher of RVANews.

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