5 Things for Families
Well-rounded weekend alert! Parents, get on this.

1. The Penny Executive: The Maggie Walker Story
February is Black History Month, and this 45-minute, one-woman live performance is a great way to give your exploration of the African-American story a local focus. Tiffany Jana stars as Maggie L. Walker, a Richmond-born, African-American woman who who founded a newspaper, chartered a bank, and worked tirelessly to improve educational opportunities for women and children.
- Runs on select dates through March 7th • see website for show dates and times
- Science Museum of Virginia, 2500 W. Broad Street
- Free with museum admission
2. First Fridays Samplers
Whether you (and/or your kids) are in the market for an art class, or you just want to try something a little different on a Friday night, make sure to carve out a spot on the family calendar for the Visual Arts Center of Richmond’s First Fridays Samplers. Some of the workshops do have age restrictions, but the offerings are plentiful enough that you should be able to find something that works for everyone in your group. Workshops for this month’s Samplers include bedazzling (that’s right); screen printing; letterpress; raku (Japanese pottery firing); wheel throwing; glazing; clay handbuilding; and glass bead making.
- Friday, February 7th • starts at 5:30 PM
- Visual Arts Center of Richmond, 1812 W. Main Street
- $5-$20 (registration is first come-first served)
3. Lowe’s Build & Grow: Love Note Holder
Imagine, if you will, your little children in little aprons and little goggles building little love note holders with their little hands–little love note holders that, come next Friday, could end up filled with actual little love notes from their little friends. Make it happen, guys.
- Saturday, February 8th • 10:00 AM
- Lowe’s (check your local store for availability)
- Free!
4. The American Youth Harp Ensemble
It’s not every day that you get the chance to see anyone play the harp, let alone a group of kids playing many, many harps in unison. Join the American Youth Harp Ensemble for an afternoon of classical, traditional, and popular music, and show your own whippersnappers that music can be more than Taylor Swift playing on repeat.1
- Sunday, February 9th • 3:00 PM
- Weinstein Jewish Community Center, 5403 Monument Avenue
- $7 for children; $10 for adults; $30 maximum per family (discounts available for JCC members)
5. Gentle Yoga for Everyone
Sunday evenings are the worst, ammirite? Gearing up for the madness that is Mondays while simultaneously clinging to those last moments of weekend goodness–ugh it just gives everyone a nasty case of the grumps. Take some time to relax and refocus as a family with this yoga class for all ages2 and ability levels–at the very least, it might just be nice to be in a room where everyone has to be quiet for a good hour or so. Dress in comfortable clothes that let you move, and bring mats if you’ve got ’em!
- Sunday, February 9th • 5:00 — 6:15 PM
- Project Yoga Richmond, 6517 Dickens Place
- $10 donation suggested (cash or check only)
Photo by: debspottery.com
- Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Love you, TSwift. ↩
- From Project Yoga’s website: “For classes open to all levels, children are welcome if they are able to remain in the room and practice along with you. You will need to sign a release and waiver of liability for your child.” ↩
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