Your favorite R-Braves?
Over the 43 seasons the Richmond Braves have been playing their home games on North Boulevard a few legitimate Hall of Famers have have come through town. A lot more guys hardly anybody remembers have worn the uniform of the R-Braves in those years. Now’s your chance to say who your favorites have been, regardless […]
Over the 43 seasons the Richmond Braves have been playing their home games on North Boulevard a few legitimate Hall of Famers have have come through town. A lot more guys hardly anybody remembers have worn the uniform of the R-Braves in those years. Now’s your chance to say who your favorites have been, regardless of what they did after leaving Richmond.
The Richmond Times-Dispatch is running a promotion for fans to select the 10 most popular R-Braves of all-time. Click here to read about it. Click here to vote.
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