Westover Hills Neighborhood Picnic is Saturday, volunteers needed now
Make this a great event by showing up and volunteering.

We’ve been going to the Westover Hills Neighborhood Picnic for the past 11 years. We’ve missed a couple due to life getting in the way but I always look forward to hanging with the neighbors and being shocked every year how many kids of all ages we have living in our neighborhood and how much some have grown in a year’s time.
Well it’s that time of year again and on Saturday, May 10, from 4:30 p.m. to dark the 1900 block of Prince Arthur Road, between Evelyn Byrd and New Kent will be blocked off and we’ll gather again.
Children 5 and under attend free. Adults pay $15 per person, $25 for 2 people, or $30 for a family of three or more. If you haven’t renewed your WHNA membership dues for this year, do so at picnic entrance and get $5 off. Those brand new to the neighborhood get in free when paying their membership dues at the picnic ($15).
Food and beverages are provided by O’Toole’s and usually includes Legend beer for your sipping enjoyment.
This can’t happen without volunteers and right now volunteers are in short supply. If you can give a hand sign up online.
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