Westover Hills Library needs your help
The Westover Hills Library Advisory Group will be painting the meeting room in the Westover Hills Library over the weekends of November 10th and November 17th- both Saturday and Sunday. The first weekend will be prep, and the second weekend painting. If you are interested in helping, please contact Laura Dysart at 231-7662 or littleb5@comcast.net for […]
The Westover Hills Library Advisory Group will be painting the meeting room in the Westover Hills Library over the weekends of November 10th and November 17th- both Saturday and Sunday. The first weekend will be prep, and the second weekend painting.
If you are interested in helping, please contact Laura Dysart at 231-7662 or littleb5@comcast.net for more information and hours. Any amount of time is helpful! This is a much-needed project and will help beautify our library for meetings, story times, authors’ nights and special programs!
Books for Soldiers
Westover Hills Library Branch Manager, Clay Dishon, is heading up a project to get books and media to soldiers overseas. Please consider going to the library and looking at the wish lists of some of our soldiers overseas and purchasing books for them. Clay is an official volunteer for this program; please contact him at 646-8833 for more information. He will be sending the packages overseas. Monetary donations are also welcome and books will be purchased from the wish lists. The support of our community is greatly appreciated.
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