UR Reports Great Success with EWaste Initiative

The University of Richmond enjoyed great success with its EWaste initiative held on October 11-13. This community event invited all types of old computer and electronics equipment users ranging from consumers to businesses to schools to allow them to drop off their unused gear, at no cost to them, for recycling purposes. (Photo […]

UR EWasteThe University of Richmond enjoyed great success with its EWaste initiative held on October 11-13. This community event invited all types of old computer and electronics equipment users ranging from consumers to businesses to schools to allow them to drop off their unused gear, at no cost to them, for recycling purposes. (Photo by VCU)

According to Richmond.com:

The Richmond campus hosted an e-waste recycling event Oct. 11-13, collecting about 250,000 pounds of computers, keyboards and other electronics. Organizers hope the event will be the first of many for the university.

If anyone has EWaste they’d like to let go of, St. Christopher’s School, 711 St. Christopher’s Road, also holds an annual event of this nature. We’ll keep our readers apprised of the event dates.

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