Upcoming Focus INC workshops
Focus INC, the Cameron Foundation initiative established to provide affordable, flexible, and pertinent educational sessions for nonprofit, community, and faith-based organizations in the Tri-Cities and Southside areas, will offer the following sessions in upcoming weeks: 1) Program Planning 102: Designing Programs That Work (April 17) 2) QuickBooks and You (April 22) 3) Working with Consultants (April 26) 1) Program […]
Focus INC, the Cameron Foundation initiative established to provide affordable, flexible, and pertinent educational sessions for nonprofit, community, and faith-based organizations in the Tri-Cities and Southside areas, will offer the following sessions in upcoming weeks:
1) Program Planning 102: Designing Programs That Work (April 17)
2) QuickBooks and You (April 22)
3) Working with Consultants (April 26)
1) Program Planning 102: Designing Programs That Work, with Barbie Dunn
When: Thursday, April 17, 1pm-4pm
Location: Tidewater Academy, 217 Church Street, Wakefield, 23888
This session provides guidelines on selecting and implementing programs to meet identified community needs. The importance of using evidence-based programs is emphasized and the use of internet research to find these programs is discussed and demonstrated. Monitoring implementation is also described as essential to ensure program effectiveness and desired outcomes. Executive directors, program managers, and other staff and board members who are involved in program
development and evaluation will benefit from this session.
$20 per attendee includes light refreshments.
NOTE: A minimum of 6 paid registrations must be received by April 11th for this class to be held.
2) QuickBooks and You, with Melody Stone
When: Tuesday, April 22, 10am-1pm
Location: Hopewell Public Library, 209 East Cawson Street
This class is geared toward organizations that need to set up a QuickBooks accounting system from scratch or that need assistance in revising/updating bookkeeping already in place. Primarily staff who will be performing the bookkeeping tasks will benefit; however, management and board members with fiduciary oversight for these tasks are also encouraged to attend. Participants will come away from this session being able to set up their bookkeeping system with reporting designed to satisfy operational needs, board review, and grantor/funder requirements.
$20 per attendee includes light refreshments.
NOTE: Due to the number of computers accessible in the quiet computer lab, this session is limited to 12 individuals.
3) Working with Consultants, with Gail Merridew
When: Saturday, April 26, 1pm-4pm
Location: Burrowsville Community Center, 18701 James River Drive, Disputanta, 23842
Whether for strategic planning, board development, fundraising, financial management, or other capacity building initiatives, organizations often need assistance from consultants who specialize in areas the board and staff do not. Finding the right consultant for a specific initiative and developing a successful relationship can seem a daunting task, however. In this session, board members and senior managers of organizations, as well as consultants or potential consultants, will learn the steps to interviewing, contracting with, and evaluating the consultant-client relationship. Project scope
and contract examples will also be provided.
For planning purposes, pre-registration is strongly encouraged; however, walk-in registrants are always welcome. To read a description about each of these sessions/instructors and/or to obtain registration forms, go to The Cameron Foundation’s website, www.thecameronfoundation.org (under Nonprofit Resources / Focus INC), the Southside Virginia Nonprofit Resource Center website, www.svnrc-online.org (under Learning Opportunities), or contact Gail Merridew at gail@npmgmtsolutions.com or one of the phone numbers listed below.
The May-August (Summer Trimester) Focus INC Program Catalog was mailed last week. If you have not received one, please send us an email with your mailing address and we’ll add you to that list as well!
(804) 795-9009 Richmond (Main Office)
(804) 957-5913 Petersburg
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