Ukrop urges council to back marina plan

In an email to City Council urging them to support the Mayor’s plan for a public marina on the land slated for the Echo Harbor development, James Ukrop wrote: “As you consider your decisions about to be made on the riverfront . . . please balance the long-term benefit to our city vs. the short-term […]

In an email to City Council urging them to support the Mayor’s plan for a public marina on the land slated for the Echo Harbor development, James Ukrop wrote:

“As you consider your decisions about to be made on the riverfront . . . please balance the long-term benefit to our city vs. the short-term gains. […] By investing in the marina and park site, you will not only create more public access to the river, you will also not lose the magnificent view of the river from Libby Hill (one of our city’s most valuable assets).”


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