“Too Big to Know” author lecture at UR
Humorist and expert on Internet marketing and society will give 2013 Peple Lecture at University of Richmond Feb. 17 David Weinberger, an authority on the Internet and society, will give the 2013 Peple Lecture Feb. 17, 2 p.m., at the University of Richmond’s Jepson Alumni Center. He talk will focus on his latest book, “Too […]
Humorist and expert on Internet marketing and society will give 2013 Peple Lecture at University of Richmond Feb. 17 David Weinberger, an authority on the Internet and society, will give the 2013 Peple Lecture Feb. 17, 2 p.m., at the University of Richmond’s Jepson Alumni Center. He talk will focus on his latest book, “Too […]
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