SynerGeo Community Dinner on Monday
This Monday, June 16th, SynerGeo will have our Oregon Hill Community Dinner at 6pm. The dinners are held every 3rd Monday of the month(except August due to our volunteering trip to Seattle. Our doors will be open with lots of food to share! I plan to pass out little flyers at the movie friday night in pleasants park, hopefully we […]
This Monday, June 16th, SynerGeo will have our Oregon Hill
Community Dinner at 6pm. The dinners are held every 3rd Monday of
the month(except August due to our volunteering trip to Seattle. Our
doors will be open with lots of food to share! I plan to pass out
little flyers at the movie friday night in pleasants park, hopefully
we can spread the word and get more neighbors to join us!!!
Also at this month’s dinner we are going to be asking people to
help us out with one of our projects for this summer’s art camp, so
come prepared with a nice quote or a happy message!!
Please help us by telling your neighbors and friends about this, I
really want this to be known as something positive for everyone to
join in for Oregon Hill!
Hope to see you all on Monday!
Katie Cowles
Volunteer Coordinator
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