SynerGeo Community Dinner on March 17th
Hi Everyone- Just wanted to put up an announcement about our upcoming community dinner we will be having at SynerGeo on March 17th at 6pm. Starting in March we will have a community dinner every month on the 3rd Monday at 6pm so hopefully people will get in the habit of stopping by! It is a pot luck style dinner […]
Hi Everyone-
Just wanted to put up an announcement about our upcoming
community dinner we will be having at SynerGeo on March 17th at 6pm.
Starting in March we will have a community dinner every month on the
3rd Monday at 6pm so hopefully people will get in the habit of
stopping by! It is a pot luck style dinner so we do ask for you to
bring something to share if you can.(beverage,side dish,main dish)
If you do not know what SynerGeo is, let me fill you in a little
bit. It is a non-profit on the corner of Albemarle and S.Laurel that
runs afterschool programs as well as other community outreach
programs such as these community dinner. Our current staff is trying
to start up some new projects including a teen center and a mural on
our building displaying our name so people will know something does
exist in that purple building. We will be sending out a neighborhood
wide survery along with our Winter newsletter very soon so please
look for those in your mailbox.
I hope to see you all at the community dinner or if you can’t
make it but are interested in learning more or helping out at all,
please contact me, Katie Cowles at
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