“Oregon Hill” in Bon Air

From James River Writers website: Oregon Hill Program Tuesday, September 11 at 7:00 PM: Howard Owen presents a program on his latest mystery Oregon Hill. At Bon Air Library, 9103 Rattlesnake Rd. You can read some previous coverage of “Oregon Hill” by clicking here and here. Also, Owen recently wrote a tribute to the James […]

From James River Writers website:

Oregon Hill Program
Tuesday, September 11 at 7:00 PM: Howard Owen presents a program on his latest mystery Oregon Hill. At Bon Air Library, 9103 Rattlesnake Rd.

You can read some previous coverage of “Oregon Hill” by clicking here and here.

Also, Owen recently wrote a tribute to the James River Writers group.
Here is an excerpt:

The first few years, Karen and I hosted the pre-conference party for the presenters in our sixth-floor condominium in the Prestwould. We made a lot of the food ourselves, hired a bartender, and had a blast. We still think — this being Richmond — there should be a historical marker beside the door to unit 6B, noting that Tom Robbins, Richard Price, Mark Bowden and others drank there.

The Richmond writing community has thrived and grown more prolific, and we like to think JRW played some small part of that. We take pride that our city’s literary toilers were able to turn out the well-received Richmond Noir anthology, in a city much smaller than the others in that detective-noir series. We beam every time another Richmond writer gets published.

We live an hour away now, so I don’t get back for JRW events very often. But my heart is with you. It is one of my proudest achievements to have had a part in the founding of such a worthy and successful enterprise.

Richmond is a writers’ city, and JRW helped make it so. Who wouldn’t be proud of that?

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Oregon Hill

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