Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson at VCU on Thursday
Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson will be at VCU on Thursday: Thursday, October 11th 11:45am-1pm In the Compass Plaza (Between the Singleton Center for the Performing Arts and Hibbs, the stone mini-theater next to where the two food carts are setup) Join Gary Johnson, former two-term governor of New Mexico and current Libertarian Party candidate […]
Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson will be at VCU on Thursday:
Thursday, October 11th
In the Compass Plaza (Between the Singleton Center for the Performing Arts and Hibbs, the stone mini-theater next to where the two food carts are setup)
Join Gary Johnson, former two-term governor of New Mexico and current Libertarian Party candidate for President of the United States, for a speech and meet and greet in the compass plaza.
Gary Johnson is a leading activist for civil liberties and personal freedom, with the ACLU ranking him higher than any other of the major candidates (
He has consistently spoken out against the war on drugs, the PATRIOT act, endless wars overseas, and spoken in favor of common sense drug policy reform (including legalizing marijuana), keeping the internet free from censorship, withdrawing troops from abroad, marriage equality, abortion rights, and stopping torture.
For more information on Gary Johnson visit:
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