Focus INC’s workshops for nonprofits — June lineup
Focus INC, the Cameron Foundation initiative established to provide affordable, flexible, and pertinent educational sessions for nonprofit, community, and faith-based organizations in the Tri-Cities and Southside areas, offers the following June sessions: Monday, June 2nd – Using the Southside Nonprofit Resource Center and the Public Library at the Hopewell Public Library has been cancelled. Please contact […]
Focus INC, the Cameron Foundation initiative established to provide affordable, flexible, and pertinent educational sessions for nonprofit, community, and faith-based organizations in the Tri-Cities and Southside areas, offers the following June sessions:
Monday, June 2nd – Using the Southside Nonprofit Resource Center and the Public Library at the Hopewell Public Library has been cancelled. Please contact Chuck Koutnik, the SVNRC Director, at 804.458.6329 x2009 if you would like to schedule a one-on-one session.
Wednesday, June 11th – Financial Policies & Procedures: Write Them Down! at the Eastside Community Enhancement Center, 7301 Boydton Plank Road (Dinwiddie), Petersburg, 23803, 1pm-4pm, with Randy Howard. Written policies can provide a continuum of institutional knowledge during the recurring stages of administrative and finance staff turnover. In addition, written policies can provide all staff with direct context of the board’s expectations and clearly define the respective responsibilities of each staff member. This session will include a review of basic financial policies and will also cover whistleblower and document retention/destruction policies required by Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX). $20 per person includes light refreshments.
Saturday, June 14th – Bylaws: To Do or Not To Do at the Hopewell Public Library, 209 East Cawson Street, 23860, 12pm-3pm, with Betsy Schmidt. Bylaws are significant, and legal, written rules by which an organization is governed. With some exceptions, they are very similar for all organizations because the mission of the organization does not usually affect the structure of the governing document. This session will cover the “must”, “might”, and “most definitely not” elements of bylaw construction that board members from any organization will benefit from. Attendees are encouraged to bring copies of their organizations’ bylaws for review and insightful critique. $20 per person includes light refreshments.
Thursday, June 19th – Precision Marketing: Defining Your Targets at Harrowgate Elementary School, Parent/Community Trailer, 15501 Harrowgate Road, Chester, 23831, 9am-12pm, with Jess Fowler. Nonprofit organizations are different from private sector businesses in that they have two classes of competitors: in private business, you are concerned about competition for customers; in the nonprofit sector, you are concerned about clients (customers) and revenue sources (funders). This session will teach participants how to present themselves as highly attractive sources of community service and, at the same time, a social investment opportunity. $20 per person includes light refreshments.
Tuesday, June 24th – Working with Consultants at the Wakefield Foundation, 100 Wilson Avenue, Wakefield, 23888, 6pm-9pm, with Gail Merridew. Whether for strategic planning, board development, fundraising, financial management, or other capacity building initiatives, organizations often need assistance from consultants who specialize in areas the board and staff do not. Finding the right consultant for a specific initiative and developing a successful relationship can seem a daunting task, however. In this session, board members and senior managers of organizations, as well as current and potential consultants, will learn the steps to interviewing, contracting with, and evaluating the consultant-client relationship. Note: A minimum of 4 individuals must express an interest in attending this session by Monday, June 23rd for the session to be held. FREE!
For planning purposes, pre-registration is strongly encouraged; however, walk-in registrants are welcome. To read course descriptions or to obtain registration forms, please go to The Cameron Foundation’s website, (under Nonprofit Resources / Focus INC), the Southside Virginia Nonprofit Resource Center website, (under Learning Opportunities), or contact Gail Merridew, Focus INC Project Coordinator, at (804) 795-9009 Richmond
or (866) 403-5505 Toll Free.
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