discussion on Public Transportation in Richmond @ GlobeHopper
A message from the folks at the Back Porch Energy Initiative: Please join us to hear John Lewis, the CEO of the GRTC transit system as he speaks about the public transportation services available here in Richmond. As a group we will discuss the accessibility and viability of the current public transit system and seek […]
A message from the folks at the Back Porch Energy Initiative:
Please join us to hear John Lewis, the CEO of the GRTC transit system as he speaks about the public transportation services available here in Richmond. As a group we will discuss the accessibility and viability of the current public transit system and seek to come up with ways in which we can increase our use and the overall effectiveness of the current system our city has to offer.
You are cordially invited to join us for conversations on the Back Porch, Monday evenings at GlobeHopper coffee house. GlobeHopper, located at 2100 E Main Street, is home to a weekly forum of open issue-based community discussions. Back Porch moderates multi-media discussions based on social topics of social-interest. Gathering begins at 6:30pm, multi-media discussion begins promptly at 7:00pm.
Back Porch Energy Initiatives @ GlobeHopper
2100 East Main Street, Richmond VA
6:30PM Sept.29, 2008
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