Define ’sparsely’ please
Today’s P-I notes that the Efficiency Review will be presented to the city, and then the public, in the near future. Happy words. But I take issue with the suggestion that the two public forums were ’sparsely’ attended. I was present at the meeting at Tabernacle, and I made a rough estimate […]
Today’s P-I notes that the Efficiency Review will be presented to the city, and then the public, in the near future. Happy words. But I take issue with the suggestion that the two public forums were ’sparsely’ attended. I was present at the meeting at Tabernacle, and I made a rough estimate of 50 people who were very engaged in the process. So I guess if 50 people present and accounted for constitutes ’sparse attendance’, I’m kinda curious what constitutes a well-attended meeting? Interestingly, however, the article didn’t mention whether each of our City Council members submit their surveys to the Efficiency Review consultants – surveys intended to learn our elected reps’ views of core vs. desired levels of service.
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