Dec 20 paycheck delivery concerns from Petersburg City Public Schools
From PPS’ Cliff Davis — “To all employees of Petersburg City Public Schools who are not enrolled in direct deposit: Our finance department followed the normal procedure to deliver the hard copies of your December 20 paycheck. For some unexplained reason, which is being investigated, some of those checks have not been received. […]
From PPS’ Cliff Davis — “To all employees of Petersburg City Public Schools who are not enrolled in direct deposit: Our finance department followed the normal procedure to deliver the hard copies of your December 20 paycheck. For some unexplained reason, which is being investigated, some of those checks have not been received. Any employee needing a replacement check should contact the finance department, at 732-0510, on Wednesday, January 2. The finance department cannot create replacement checks until after the bank has stopped payment on the originals, which cannot be done until Monday, Dec. 31.”
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