cuteness alert: missing Bengal Leopard kitten
Via Craig’s List – Missing kitten from West 7th Street/near Legend Brewing Co.: Hi my name it TidBit, the brother of TIGGER who has been missing since 10/13/08. My brother TIGGER is a Bangel Lepord and he is my little brother, the runt of the litter. He my be the runt but he was alot braver […]
Via Craig’s List – Missing kitten from West 7th Street/near Legend Brewing Co.:
Hi my name it TidBit, the brother of TIGGER who has been missing since 10/13/08. My brother TIGGER is a Bangel Lepord and he is my little brother, the runt of the litter. He my be the runt but he was alot braver that I to climb out our window. I have been waiting here at home for him to come back but so far he has not come home. MEOWWWW, Im very sad without my brother and couldnt imagin not having him around. We like to play with the toy mice and we wressel alot I know some times were bad and keep outr neighbors at TROLLY STATION up all night as we chase each other and pretend were in the jungle. TIGGER and I are not outdoor types and alought were BANGEL LEPORDS, were quite friendly and dont bit or scratch. So if you see my brother please pick him up and give him a GREAT BIG HUG for me. He has his tags on him with his name and our home number 815-715-0294. You may have to show him how to use a phone to call…meow meow. So if its not to much to ask can you guys please help us find him. I’ll stay here by the window and let you all know if he comes home.
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