Current photos of Richmond neighborhoods
John Murden at RVANews points Richmonders to a growing number of neighborhood-specific Flickr photo groups spotlighting Richmond’s diverse communities. So much of Richmond is visually interesting: the details on the buildings beautiful or decrepit, the skyline throughout the year, everything all along the James River, the cemeteries, art, the events, you name it… A handful of […]
John Murden at RVANews points Richmonders to a growing number of neighborhood-specific Flickr photo groups spotlighting Richmond’s diverse communities.
So much of Richmond is visually interesting: the details on the buildings beautiful or decrepit, the skyline throughout the year, everything all along the James River, the cemeteries, art, the events, you name it… A handful of Flickr groups have sprung up over the past few years dedicated to photographs of Richmond and of specific areas and neighborhoods. Check ’em out and add your photos!
You can see a random stream of images from the Northside Richmond Flickr group on the righthand side of North Richmond News’ main page.
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