Byrd House Market Today
From email announcement: Byrd House Market weathers the weather as Tuesday seems to be storm day this season! Join us tomorrow (wet or dry) for great food for your body and soul. We can hunker together while sprinkled with distant reminders of Hurricane Ernesto… Moderate temperatures mixed with the finest selection of foods for delicious […]
From email announcement:
Byrd House Market weathers the weather as Tuesday seems to be storm day this season! Join us tomorrow (wet or dry) for great food for your body and soul. We can hunker together while sprinkled with distant reminders of Hurricane Ernesto… Moderate temperatures mixed with the finest selection of foods for delicious meals… Check the Market Map or do a Product Search from the Byrd House Market blog to find your favorite things.
Harry Gore ( will play his brand of funky, pop-groovy tunes with throw-back harmonies and one of the sweetest bass sounds around. (If it rains, this will be rescheduled.)
A great group of William & Mary Volunteers will be available to help vendors during set-up, do a little facepainting and a little shopping while with us. This service learning group will work in the farmlet in the morning and take a field trip in the afternoon to some botanically rich location guided by our own Matthew Daniel, Farmlet manager. See if you can spot them!
First Tuesday Film will accept the August dictum and take August off. Next month, labor, economies, and beauty take a front seat! Save the Date: Sept. 3!
Sustenance and Wild Heaven are on hiatus. Salt Pork is back. We’ll keep you posted on our rain-tender venders but the FARMERS of Byrd House Market will be ready fer ya, rainor shine.
Though, could you do a dance for light and lovely rain (rather than the other kind, ok? great, thanks!)
Another Save the Date: National Food Day (Oct.24) is October 23rd at Byrd House Market! Stay tuned for details on our Food Day event(s)!
____________________Ana Edwards, Manager
Byrd House Market & Library Programs
Grace Arents Library & Education Center
William Byrd Community House / 804.643.2717 ext.306
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