Blog awards: Editor’s addendum
First, here is a sweet badge for all of the winners to put on their websites. Congratulations winners. Second, I wanted to give my editor’s picks to those blogs that the people didn’t see fit to vote for. If only the RVA2kBA’s had an electoral college. Lesson learned: never trust your citizenry. Best political blog […]
First, here is a sweet badge for all of the winners to put on their websites. Congratulations winners.
Second, I wanted to give my editor’s picks to those blogs that the people didn’t see fit to vote for. If only the RVA2kBA’s had an electoral college. Lesson learned: never trust your citizenry.
- Best political blog — Bacon’s Rebellion. The days between posts which do not shine with quality craftsmanship stretch far — like a vast desert. That is to say The Rebellion is replete with excellent content on a regular basis.
- Best business blog — Jake Lyell Photography. Let’s face it. Did you trot the globe revealing the dark and terrible nature of the Third World? I don’t think so.
- Best kept secret — babylust. Such a painfully honest and well written blog should either be hidden away from the prying and unwashed eyes of the masses or lifted up high, like a shining star!, for everyone to see.
Third, some of y’all left wonderful comments on the survey. They are reproduced below in full color.
- “John Sarvay has proven himself as a great writer, an intellect and a humorist. I think that sums up the people of Northside pretty well. Rock on.”
- “dunno, I like the setup! Bringin South Side back! Holla!”
- “I despise The Ward View.” — Whoa, keeping it honest Anonymous Commenter!
- “I feel like I know Valerie like a best friend. I think if I saw her in Ukrop’s, I’d be compelled to ask how Ross’s birthday was. Does she have a clue who I am? No.” — This makes me feel weird, on the inside.
- “Gotta say Dooce is it for me” — We all aspire to her don’t we?
- “Too bad he never posts though. I want to NOT vote for Awkward on the a-blog-with-no-new-posts-is-a-crappy-blog principle, but it really is the funniest.” — If we all email Justin maybe he’ll post more? Maybe we should start an internet petition!
- “I’ve saved a lot of time and money, not to mention credibility, thanks to Susan’s movie reviews.”
- “who doesn’t love grape soda?!?!”
- “How can ATISTG be blog of the year? Is it because he updates it annually? ZING.”
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