Armstrong graduates 54.8% on time, RPS hits 67.5%
Statewide, 81.3% of the class of 2008 graduated on time. Armstrong High School managed to graduate 54.8% of their students on time, while Franklin Military graduated 93.8% of their students in the same time period. Citywide the on-time graduation rate is 67.5%. Check out the city-wide numbers by school. (PDF) The Virginia On-Time Graduation Rate is […]
Statewide, 81.3% of the class of 2008 graduated on time. Armstrong High School managed to graduate 54.8% of their students on time, while Franklin Military graduated 93.8% of their students in the same time period. Citywide the on-time graduation rate is 67.5%. Check out the city-wide numbers by school. (PDF)
The Virginia On-Time Graduation Rate is […]
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