A voting/civic engagement workshop
The Petersburg Chapter of the Virginia Organizing Project will sponsor a Civic Engagement Workshop on Monday, August 25, 2008, 5:30pm until 7pm in Council Chambers, 135 N. Union Street, Petersburg, VA. This workshop will focus on voter’s rights and responsibilities, VA elections, registration information, absentee voting, and general information. Voting equipment will be available […]
The Petersburg Chapter of the Virginia Organizing Project will sponsor a Civic Engagement Workshop on Monday, August 25, 2008, 5:30pm until 7pm in Council Chambers, 135 N. Union Street, Petersburg, VA. This workshop will focus on voter’s rights and responsibilities, VA elections, registration information, absentee voting, and general information. Voting equipment will be available for one to one training.
To register for this workshop, contact Sandra Cook at 733-8259 or Cathy Woodson 261-7497.
Virginia Organizing Project is a non-partisan oragnization.
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