a visit to Maury/St.Olivet Cemetery
A photo of the gravestone for Henry Clay Beattie Jr and his wife Louise W. Owen in Kollatz’ Richmond in Ragtime inspired a recent trip out to Manchester’s Maury/St.Olivet Cemetery. Check out the book to get the story on what Beattie did and then take a jaunt south to walk around the cemetery for yourself… The […]
A photo of the gravestone for Henry Clay Beattie Jr and his wife Louise W. Owen in Kollatz’ Richmond in Ragtime inspired a recent trip out to Manchester’s Maury/St.Olivet Cemetery. Check out the book to get the story on what Beattie did and then take a jaunt south to walk around the cemetery for yourself…
The Mt. Olivet and Maury cemeteries “developed separately but side-by-side about 1875. Mt. Olivet was for African Americans, and Maury was for whites“. Other sources say specifically that Maury Cemetery dates back to 1874 and the explain the many tombstones antedating that year “by the fact that many bodies were brought here from private graveyards” (the oldest grave marker dates 1847).
Here are some of the photos from today; check out the entire set.
Check out the whole set of photos…
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