8e6 Laptop Internet Filter for HPCS Wins Award
8e6, the company that Henrico County Public Schools used to help filter the student laptops while they were not at school, has won an award of excellence from Technology & Learning Magazine. Henrico County Public Schools took a huge leap forward for technology in public education when they decided to hand every student from 7th grade […]
8e6, the company that Henrico County Public Schools used to help filter the student laptops while they were not at school, has won an award of excellence from Technology & Learning Magazine.
Henrico County Public Schools took a huge leap forward for technology in public education when they decided to hand every student from 7th grade up a laptop and they needed 8e6 to make it possible. After all, how can you hand thousands of prepubescent and pubescent kids a laptop (that they can take and use anywhere) and not have the safeguard of an Internet filter on it?
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