5th Tuesday Market Today
From email announcement: 5th Tuesday this month… that’s enough, don’t you think? If you type “summer smoothies” into a search engine and get “Hellman’s” you know your day is off to a weird start. So, let’s pretend that didn’t happen and concentrate on what’s really good: 3 vendors have tomatilloes, 4 vendors have raspberries, 5 […]
From email announcement:
5th Tuesday this month…
that’s enough, don’t you think? If you type “summer smoothies” into a search engine and get “Hellman’s” you know your day is off to a weird start. So, let’s pretend that didn’t happen and concentrate on what’s really good: 3 vendors have tomatilloes, 4 vendors have raspberries, 5 have tomatoes,Gotta be there! byrdhousemarket.blogspot.com – Market Map and Product Search under “For Market Goers” tab…
Sierra Club
This week, actually: Encouraging energy alternatives that will help us preserve what mother earth is made of, representatives of the Sierra Club will be at the market this week. www.sierraclub.orgRaffles
A $1 raffle ticket gets you a shot at $33.83 in Byrd Farm goodies and supports Byrd House Market! Every week all season long! We have had a happy winner every week – it’s a great deal and your pantry will love you for it.Visit the Farmlet
Peppers abound, cucumbers cavorting, bees may beard this week, herbs bloomin, greenhouse growin. Visit the food “we feed our community”. Special thanks to Victory Farm for providing weekly gleanings from their gorgeous harvest.Make BHM @ WBCH Americas Favorite Market!
National Farmers Market Week, August 5 – 12, 2012
Announced by Governor Bob McDonnell
Stay tuned for more exciting announcements!This Week and Every Week ! with You !
Facepainting by Nadine and Jodie, Storytelling by Beth from Richmond Public Library,
Great Food (by everyone!), Great Shade by the Mulberry, Great Nutrition (all over the place),
Great People (start blushing)!
____________________Ana Edwards, Manager
Byrd House Market & Library Programs
Grace Arents Library & Education Center
William Byrd Community House
www.wbch.org / 804.643.2717 ext.306
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