“Survivor Day” Training Offered to Richmond Residents on Saturday, September 13
WHO: Richmond residents can register to receive free training in basic survival skills during an emergency WHAT: “Survivor Day,” sponsored by the City’s Office of Emergency Management, is a four-hour, free training session in fire safety, […]
WHO: Richmond residents can register to receive free training in basic survival skills during an emergency
WHAT: “Survivor Day,” sponsored by the City’s Office of Emergency Management, is a four-hour, free training session in fire safety, first-aid, and terrorism and weather response measures
WHEN: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, September 13, 2008
WHERE: Landmark Theater, 6 North Laurel Street
This training is designed to prepare citizens with information and planning tools in the event of a widespread disruption of public services, commerce and transportation due to a local emergency.
Training is free and open to all City residents. Citizens can register by calling 311 or visiting www.RichmondGov.com .
A free Survival Kit, with supplies including flashlight, gloves, batteries, toilet paper and a blanket, will be provided upon completion of the training (limit one per household).
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